Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Learners Book 2 RTD
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Book 2
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Our Lives Today Environmental Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of science, social studies and agriculture skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series have a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PC’s).
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Grade Two provides:
Topics that are structured according to the strands and sub-strands as outlined in the new competency-based curriculum.
Activities that present real-life situations where learners can solve problems through creativity and critical thinking.
Group activities that facilitate learning by discovery through teamwork and collaboration.
Take home activities that enhance learning at home and in the community.
Fun spots that make learning fun and exciting through songs, poems. puzzles and much more.
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Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Learners Book 2 RTD

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