Thika Road Academy Grade 6 Box
Rated 0 out of 5KShs0The Box contains the basic requirements for Grade 6 Curriculum Thika Road Academy.
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The Muddy Muddy Wedding 3d By Oxford
Rated 0 out of 5KShs249World classic readers the muddy muddy weddingAdventures of Cunning Mr Rabbit By Smartbrains
Rated 0 out of 5KShs210Adventures of Cunning Mr Rabbit By SmartbrainsKLB Visionary CRE Activities Grade 3
Rated 0 out of 5KShs551KLB Visionary Grade 3 Christian Religious Activities Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competence Based Curriculum Design.The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for-children at this level, The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.KLB Early Grade Kiswahili Mazoezi ya Lugha Gredi 3
Rated 0 out of 5KShs406Kitabu hiki cha Kiswahili Mazoezi ya Lugha cha Gredi 3 hutumia mbinu za ujifunzaji ambazo zimefanyiwa utafiti. Mbinu hizi zitamsaidia mwanafunzi kukuza stadi za lugha ambazo hatimaye husaidia ukuzaji wa umilisi wa kimsingi, ukuzaji wa maadili na utekelezaji wa shughuli za kijamii pamoja na kuzingatia masuala mtambuko. Masuala makuu yaliyo katika kitabu hiki yametumiwa kama chombo cha kukuza stadi nne za lugha: Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na Kuandika. Uandishi wa kitabu hiki umezingatia uhusishi wa vipengele vyote vya Mtaala wa Kiumilisi ambavyo huchangia ujifunzaji katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Mwanafunzi wa Gredi ya 3 amepewa nafasi ya kujifunza kutokana na tajriba mbalimbali na tathmini ambazo humwezesha kudhihirisha umilisi wa kimsingi na kuwa na maadili yanayotarajiwa katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Kitabu hiki kimeegemea na 444 kuzingatia tajriba zinazotokana na mradi wa Wizara ya Elimu wa Tusome. Mradi huu umefadhiliwa na shirika la USAID. Inatarajiwa ya kwamba mwanafunzi atakayekamilisha yaliyomo kwenye kitabu hiki atakuwa na uwezo wa kusikiliza na kuzungumza ipasavyo, kusoma kwa ufasaha na kwa mtiririko ufaao, na hata kuandika.KLB Visionary Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 3
Rated 0 out of 5KShs441Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a course intended to equip learners with the basic knowledge, skills. and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The learner is empowered to take care of his or her own wellbeing as well as that of others. The learner is sensitized to adopt healthy practices in order to prevent the occurrence of infections associated with poor hygiene and sanitation practices. This Learner's Workbook for Grade 3 comprehensively covers the 2017 competency-based curriculum. The learning activities are presented in a simple concise language and in an attractive layout designed to make the workbook learner friendly. This workbook incorporates Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) as required in the curriculum designs. Some PCIs addressed include education in the following areas: life skills and values, health, and environment.KLB Visionary Environmental Activities Grade 3
Rated 0 out of 5KShs526Environmental Activities Grade Three has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new competency-based curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes and suggested learning experiences. The inquiry-based approach, which emphasises on "how we come to know" rather than "what we know" has been used throughout the development of the content. This learner's book has used a variety of learning activities including project assignments, discussions, homework, parental involvement, experiments, field studies, observations and use of resource persons. All these learning activities are meant to put the learner to task in order to discover the knowledge on their own and apply what they have learnt in solving various problems around them. To evaluate the learner's understanding and mastery of the content, a comprehensive assessment exercises has been provided at the end of every sub-strand. These assessment exercises are meant to assist in assessing learner's progress in the course of learning.KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 5
Rated 0 out of 5KShs418KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Five Learner's Book is designed to help the learner acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques, and related vocabulary to increase capacity for the effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entails Picture Making, Mixed Media and Technology, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Presentation, and Exhibition. • The book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum design for Art and Craft for Grade Five. • The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus concepts are presented in the most appropriate way for learners at this level. • This book is extensively illustrated to make the content interesting to the learners.KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Learners Grade 5
Rated 0 out of 5KShs593Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 5 Learner's Book, therefore: • Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 5 CRE Competence-Based Curriculum Design. • The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. • The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. The book has employed a child-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner's interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.