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Spark Agriculture Learner’s Book for Grade 7 is written in conformity with the competency-based curriculum design to assist learners to carry out various interactive learning activities.
What this book offers you
* Variety of activities to help every unique learner develop core competencies, values, skills and attitudes.
* Integration of ICT through digital moment activities with various methods of searching for information, such as using search terms and links.
* Well-summarised notes at the beginning of every topic and in the learning corner section to help learners understand concepts.
* Adequate take-away activities to help build collaborative relationships between schools, families and communities.
* Suggested alternative activities and resources accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds and settings.
* Assessment exercise after every sub-strand to help learners practise and assess their acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.
* Safety tips to help learners take precautions when carrying out activities.
This book has been approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It comes along with the most comprehensive Teacher’s Guide.
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StoryMoja Spark Agriculture Grade 7

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