Storymoja Smart Beginners Mathematics Activities Grade 1
Storymoja Smart Beginners Mathematics Activities Grade 1
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Smart Beginners Mathematical Activities Learner’s Book Grade 1 is written in conformity with the Competency Based Curriculum
(CBC) design to assist learners carry out various interactive learning activities.
What this book offers you:
-Variety of activities to engage learners in diverse and interactive experiences, fostering a comprehensive understanding of Mathematics concepts, values and skills.
-Integration of ICT to enhance learner’s digital literacy and equip them with information-seeking skills, preparing them for the digital age.
-Well-summarised notes for every topic that facilitate comprehension and retention of information, enabling learners to grasp concepts more effectively.
-Fun Zone activities to promote communication, collaboration, teamwork, and parental engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and shared learning experiences.
-Suggested alternative activities and resources to ensure that all learners can actively participate and engage with the material,
regardless of their individual circumstances.
-Assessment tasks under Practice Exercises after every sub-strand to enable learners to monitor their own learning, identify areas of improvement, and reinforce their understanding of concepts covered.
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Storymoja Smart Beginners Mathematics Activities Grade 1

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