Spotlight Agriculture Learners Book Grade 4
Spotlight Agriculture Learners Book Grade 4
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potlight Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 4 has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Grade 4 learners in handling the New Agriculture Curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Grade 4 Agriculture Curriculum Design as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. it is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.
Key features of the Book:
* Covers all the strands, sub-strands and learning outcomes of the Agriculture Grade 4 Competency-Based Curriculum Design.
* All Agricultural concepts are addressed according to curriculum demands.
* Attractive full-colour illustrations are used to clarify concepts.
* Develops concepts by use of the environment and real-life experiences to foster skills, attitude and values in learners.
* The book provides different sections such as My Bible, Let us sing, Now I know, Digital session, Take home and Check yourself to ensure coverage of the Competency-Based Curriculum.
* Â Simple activities such as singing, storytelling, composing and reciting poems, drawing, composing poems and role-play have been integrated to make learning interesting and participatory.
* Learner-centered approaches, discovery and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).
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