OUP Alive Christian Religious Studies Learners Book Grade 8
OUP Alive Christian Religious Studies Learners Book Grade 8
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Alive Christian Religious Education, Learner’s Book Grade 8 has:
Numerous interactive activities that present real-life situations where learners can solve problems through creativity and critical thinking.
Bible reading sections that present activities on selected Bible verses.
Digital activities aimed at integrating digital technology in learning.
Read and learn sections that provide short notes that aid in concept development.
Discussion spot sections that enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as enable learners to assess their grasp of the concepts learnt in each theme.
Fun spot sections that make learning fun and exciting through songs, poems and much more.
Out of class activities aimed at engaging the learners outside the class through non-formal learning and parental engagement.
Summary sections that provide key points on concepts learnt.
Assess yourself sections for self-evaluation by the learners.
Reflection sections that offer the learners an opportunity for self-evaluation.
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OUP Alive Christian Religious Studies Learners Book Grade 8

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