Moto Farm 4d By Oxford
Rated 0 out of 5KShs267The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that's built to last.KLB Visionary CRE Learners Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs607Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 4 Learner's Book therefore: -Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 4 CRE Competence Based Curriculum Design. -The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. -The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.KLB Visionary Social Studies Learners Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs526KLB Visionary Social Studies Grade 4Â Learner's Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design. -The following learning methods have been used: explanation, story telling, imaginary visits, question and answer, inquiry (discovery), discussion, resource persons, games and simulation, role-plays, field trips, debating, demonstration and project works. -Digital learning is well incorporated across the book. -Activities for parental engagements cut across the book. -All activities are geared towards discovery learning. -There is an assessment exercise at the end of every sub-strand.KLB Visionary Agriculture Learners Book Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs575KLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 4 Learner’s Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Four Agriculture Competence Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design. A lot of emphasis has been placed on learning through discovery. Through the several activities, learners are led to discover knowledge on their own.KLB Visionary Kiswahili Mwanafunzi Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs760KLB Visionary Kiswahili Gredi ya Nne (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) kimechapishwa kwa kusudi la kuendelea kuimarisha uwezo wa mwanafunzi katika lugha ya Kiswahili kupitia Sarufi na stadi za lugha; Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na KuandikaKLB Visionary Science and Technology Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs452Science and Technology has been designed with the aim of equiping the learner with scientific knowledge and attitudes that they can apply in their day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in the early years of learning. * The science element presents activities that guide the learner through explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. * The application of technological element introduces the learner to elementary technological concepts and application of digital literacy in learning and solving problems.KLB Visionary English Learners Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs768Visionary KLB English Grade Four Learner's Book is based on the new Competency Based Curriculum. It has numerous activities that are learner centred and allow the learners to discover and create knowledge through doing rather than memorizing facts. The language skills covered in the book are acquired through the involving activities that allow for maximum collaboration among the learners.Sayari School Ruiru Grade 4
Rated 0 out of 5KShs0The Box contains the basic requirements for Grade 4 Curriculum at Sayari School Ruiru.
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Orders will have a lead time of approximately 1-3 business days. It will also depend on the volume being ordered at that time. Please place orders early.
Storymoja Know more Movement Activities Grade 2
Rated 0 out of 5KShs600Storymoja Know more Movement Activities Grade 2Mentor Art And Craft Grade 2 Learners Book
Rated 0 out of 5KShs440Mentor Art And Craft Grade 2 Learners Book