Silent song and other stories by spotlight
A Silent Song and other Stories is a unique collection of short stories from various societies across the world. They have been carefully selected to represent various generations of writers from diverse backgrounds.
The stories are meticulously sought and packaged to provoke interest in young Kenyan readers and help them encounter in-depth literary experiences. A wide range of techniques, settings and themes that are relevant to the contemporary issues affecting Kenyans have been addressed in the collection. These will expose the students to a rich diversity of perspectives that will result in appreciating the uniqueness of cultures across the globe
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A Silent Song and other Stories is a unique collection of short stories from various societies across the world. They have been carefully selected to represent various generations of writers from diverse backgrounds.
The stories are meticulously sought and packaged to provoke interest in young Kenyan readers and help them encounter in-depth literary experiences. A wide range of techniques, settings and themes that are relevant to the contemporary issues affecting Kenyans have been addressed in the collection. These will expose the students to a rich diversity of perspectives that will result in appreciating the uniqueness of cultures across the globe
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Silent song and other stories by spotlight

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