Oxford International Primary Geography Student Book 1
Oxford International Primary Geography is a complete six year primary geography course that provides an engaging introduction to the subject. Using real life examples from around the globe, the course covers key aspects of both human and physical geography, from the basics of mapping to more complex topics such as the pros and cons of ecotourism and how to meet the resource needs of the world’s growing population. Additional Workbooks provide students with the opportunity for further study in the classroom or at home, including suggested research topics and cross-curricular projects. For the teacher, the Teacher’s Guide provides step-by-step guidance for each lesson, as well as background knowledge and geographical information for specialist and non-specialist teachers alike.
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Oxford International Primary Geography is a complete six year primary geography course that provides an engaging introduction to the subject. Using real life examples from around the globe, the course covers key aspects of both human and physical geography, from the basics of mapping to more complex topics such as the pros and cons of ecotourism and how to meet the resource needs of the world’s growing population. Additional Workbooks provide students with the opportunity for further study in the classroom or at home, including suggested research topics and cross-curricular projects. For the teacher, the Teacher’s Guide provides step-by-step guidance for each lesson, as well as background knowledge and geographical information for specialist and non-specialist teachers alike.
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Oxford International Primary Geography Student Book 1
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