Cambridge IGCSE TM Physics Practical Workbook with Digital Access 2 Years
Cambridge IGCSE TM Physics Practical Workbook with Digital Access 2 Years
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Skills focused series, working towards endorsement, for examination from 2023; inspired by teachers, for teachers. This practical write-in workbook with digital access is the perfect companion to the coursebook and workbook. It focuses on the key skills that learners need to develop. It is aimed at learners preparing for practical tests or alternatives to practical tests. Sample data is provided to enable students to use the workbook when the practical cannot be carried out. Each investigation contains support for each step of the process. The workbook is written in accessible English with supporting ‘Key Word’ feature for English as a second language learners. Answers to questions and exercises can be found online at
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Cambridge IGCSE TM Physics Practical Workbook with Digital Access 2 Years

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