Cambridge IGCSE (TM) ICT Practical Skills Workbook with Digital Access (2 Years)
Support teachers and learners through the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Information & Communication Technology syllabuses (0983/0417). This workbook supplements the coursebook, strengthening learners’ practical skills by providing additional practical tasks, worked examples and key words, as well as a wealth of source files. Our research informs us that teachers want activities to reach students of all levels of understanding, particularly when it comes to practical skills. A three-tiered approach to practical tasks throughout our workbook develops fundamental skills with ‘Getting started’ and ‘Practice’ tasks, and stretches more confident students with ‘Challenge’ tasks, for use at home or in class. Answers are accessible to teachers for free on the Cambridge GO platform.
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Support teachers and learners through the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Information & Communication Technology syllabuses (0983/0417). This workbook supplements the coursebook, strengthening learners’ practical skills by providing additional practical tasks, worked examples and key words, as well as a wealth of source files. Our research informs us that teachers want activities to reach students of all levels of understanding, particularly when it comes to practical skills. A three-tiered approach to practical tasks throughout our workbook develops fundamental skills with ‘Getting started’ and ‘Practice’ tasks, and stretches more confident students with ‘Challenge’ tasks, for use at home or in class. Answers are accessible to teachers for free on the Cambridge GO platform.
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Cambridge IGCSE (TM) ICT Practical Skills Workbook with Digital Access (2 Years)

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