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Fani ya Isimujamii kwa Shule za Sekondari by Ipara Isaac Odeo
Rated 0 out of 5KShs619Fani ya Isimujamii kwa Shule za Sekondari ni kitabu kitokanacho na juhudi za makusudi za kuziba pengo la ukosefu wa vitabu kwenye ufundishaji wa somo la Isimujamii katika shule za sekondari. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa na wataalamu wenye tajriba pana katika taaluma ya lugha na ufundishaji wake. Ni zao la utafiti wa kina na tathmini ya mahitaji ya wanafunzi na jamii. Upekee wa kitabu hiki unatokana na jinsi kinavyozingatia mahitaji ya walengwa. Kitabu kimekusanya mada na vipengele vyote vya Isimujamii vilivyomo katika silabasi mpya na kuvizamia kwa uketo. Aidha, maudhui yameshughulikiwa kwa namna inayosisimua na kuchochea hamu ya wanafunzi na walimu. Maelezo nayo yametolewa kwa utoshelevu na kwa njia sahali inayobainisha kwa uwazi dhana na hoja ili kurahisisha usomaji na uelewa. Mifano kemkemu inayokita katika mazingira na miktadha halisi inayofahamika imetolewa ili kukipa kitabu nguvu za kipekee. Kila sehemu ina maswali yenye lengo la kuzindua fikira za walengwa, kuwapa mazoezi na kuwapiga msasa. Fani ya Isimujamii kwa Shule za Sekondari kimeandikwa ili kukidhi kikamilifu mahitaji ya silabasi mpya ya Kiswahili na kuwapa wanaokitumia umilisi katika matumizi ya lugha kwenye nyanja mbalimbali. Kwa hakika kitabu hiki ni wenzo tosha kwa mwanafunzi anayejiandaa kuukabili ipasavyo, na kwa kujiamini, Mtihani wa Kiswahili wa Kitaifa wa Kidato cha Nne.Secondary Geography Form 2 Student Book
Rated 0 out of 5KShs621Secondary Geography Form Two Student’s Book is the second title in the Secondary Geography series published by KLB The book examines comprehensively all the requirements of Geography in the first year of secondary school. It incorporates all the latest changes in the new Secondary Geography Form Two syllabus.Secondary English Form 2 3rd Edition BY KLB Excelling in English
Rated 0 out of 5KShs766Excelling in English is a new English course that is tailored to meet the learning needs of students in secondary school. The series is written by a team of experts in the subject. It dexterously integrates English and Literature in a way that makes the learning process not only enjoyable but also enriching for the students. The course is learner-centred and is structured in a manner that allows students to actively participate in the learning process. The course therefore helps learners to discover facts other than memorise what they are taught thus making the knowledge indelibly imprinted on their minds. English is in this course taught in context and learning situations that are familiar to the students are used. Each Students' Book in the series has an accompanying Teachers’ Guide, which sets out lesson objectives clearly and gives detailed and useful information on lesson development for the teacher. Excelling in English Students’ Book 2 is the second book in this series. It is written in line with the new English syllabus for Form Two. The skills learned in Form One are intensified through more complex structures and vocabulary. The integration of language skills with Literature is also enhanced. Lessons in each unit are set out in a logical progression. The book contains numerous involving exercises and activities that are tailored for classroom interactions, thus making the learning process well rounded and effective. Revision exercises are given for further practice and to strengthen what has been learned. Three Sample Revision Papers modelled on the new KCSE English examination format are also provided. These serve as essential practice material and revision aid in the preparation of the KCSE English paper. The book also cuts across a broad spectrum of emerging issues and in addition to teaching the language, develops the students towards acceptable values and attitudes in the society. This is one book that students wishing to excel in the English language cannot do without.Queenex Blossom Revision Encyclopedia Pre Primary 2
Rated 0 out of 5KShs790Queenex Blossom Revision Encyclopedia for Pre-Primary 2 is developed in line with the competency-based curriculum. It contains exercises for practice which will enable the learner to improve their skills. This book has the following benefits for the learner; * User-friendly * Systematic approach * Comprehensive content based on the syllabus * Practice exercises and worksheets * Ideal for use at home and at school This book is designed to provide the learner with a strong foundation in skills that are essential. The skills acquired will be useful in day to day life.I want to be on TV by Story Moja
Rated 0 out of 5KShs400Suki sees people on the television. She too wants to get inside the television. She looks for an opening, but does not find one. How will she get inside the television? A beautiful story that shows the power of curiosity in children. For children 2 to 7 years old.Storymoja Koko Riko anafanya nini
Rated 0 out of 5KShs420Wasaidie watoto wako kunca akili na kukuza ubunifu Vitabu vya kunoa akili na kukuza ubunifu vinaburudisha na wakati uo huo na vikifunza. Mazoezi ya kuchora, kupaka rangi, mafumbo, michezo na lugha husaidia watoto kujifunza na kujichanganulia mambo na kujiamulia. Jadili na watoto maswali yaligyomo kwenye kitabu hiki na uwahimize kuwa wabunifu. Wanafunzi, kama watu wazima, wana tofauti zao. Unaweza kununua vitabu vya viwango vya juu ama chini, kulingana na uwezo wa mtoto wako kusoma.Faber Castell Pen Fibre Tip Colour Markers 12 pieces
Rated 0 out of 5KShs295Faber Castell Pen Fibre Tip Colour Markers 12 pieces